The use of less common grass varieties as a factor of increasing forage lands productivity




introduction, breeding, drought tolerance


Purpose. To assess introduced samples of drought-resistant species of perennial grasses, select a promising parent material and create on its base high-yielding varie­ ies with economic characters.

Methods. Field experiment, laboratory testing.

Results. The results of studies on introduction and breeding were given aimed to improve drought tolerance of non-traditional perennial grasses under the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine. Based on the selected parent material, varieties were created by the use of hybridization and ecotype breeding methods and then entered into the State Register of plant varieties suitable for dissemination in Ukraine, among them: intermediate wheatgrass (Elytrigia intermedia (Host) Nevski) – ‘Hors’, crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn.) – ‘Petrivskyi’; meadow brome (Bromus riparia Rehm.) – ‘Boian’; slender wheatgrass (Roegneria trachycaulon (Link) Nevski) – ‘Co­umb’. As compared with conventional, relatively drought-tolerant species of smooth brome (Bromopsis inermis (Leyss.) Holub) – ‘Mars’, increment of dry matter content of these species in the extreme drought conditions of 2011 was increased by 1,52–3,73 t/ha. Under more sufficient moistening conditions of 2012, slender wheatgrass ‘Columb’ was at the level of the сheck variety in terms of this indicator. Other varieties exceeded it by 1.44–3.22 t/ha. The data was given including seed productivity and sowing quality indicators, after-ripening duration and economic fitness of seeds.

Conclusions. The use of the recommended varieties of drought-resistant species of perennial grasses as part of grass mixtures will increase significantly the productivity of grasslands and pastures in the current context of climate change.


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Author Biographies

В. Д. Бугайов, Institute of Feed Research and Agriculture of Podillia of NAAS

Bugaiov V. D.

В. В. Бугайов, Institute of Feed Research and Agriculture of Podillia of NAAS

Bugaiov V. V.

І. В. Смульська, Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination

Smulska I. V.


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How to Cite

Бугайов, В. Д., Бугайов, В. В., & Смульська, І. В. (2017). The use of less common grass varieties as a factor of increasing forage lands productivity. Plant Varieties Studying and Protection, 13(1), 89–94.

